Avery and Me

Avery and Me

Monday, May 31, 2010


Hello Lovely Readers!
I'm bursting with excitement!

Tomorrow we will know if our little one is a girl or boy!

The hard part will be not telling our families until 7 pm when we find out out at 8 am!

We are having a pink and blue party to tell our families!  I ordered balloons, bought pink and blue napkins and plates, and am making pink punch!  I'll post pictures!

Back to Etsy where I am raiding everything in Pottery Barn Kids Penelope or Dr. Seuss!  I can't wait to order our bedding soon and our furniture next week!

Final bedding choices:


Final Crib/Changer Choices
Set #1 Carters from Walmart (Final price for set $615)
Set #2 (Final Price $537)

Still looking for a rocker/glider!  2 options from Walmart.com
#1 Cost 364.88

Or the cheaper version....with bad reviews....Dorel rocker with slipcover cost $230

Love you all,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LR Tweeties Picture!

Hello lovely readers!  Thought you would enjoy this picture from sync weekly!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

19 weeks 4 days update and PICTURES!!!!

the money shot!  Possible GIRL!

How far along? 19 weeks 4 days!
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed this week.  I don't want to know.

Maternity clothes?: Haven't worn anything but scrubs and dresses and my maternity jeans this week.  Had to go to a formal on Saturday and got into my Emmy dress!

Sleep: A little better, but I'm not getting enough.  Had a great nap on Sunday!

Cravings: Sweets....chocolate, cookies and sweet tea.

Best moment this week: Seeing all the family at Laura's graduation and seeing their excitement over the baby.

Movement: I think I feel it, but still not sure.

Gender: Finding out on June 1! Just 7 more days!!

Labor Signs: none yet, thank God!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Being naturally cheerful (I'm having to fake it...sigh)

Weekly Wisdom: Pray more and study the Word when you feel helpless....

Milestones: Learning that I can still stand up for three and a half hours volunteering, but not liking it much. 
Favorite Moments: Looking at the baby today...priceless after a terrible day!

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!


not sure what this is...





profile head down

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

18 week update!

How far along? 18 weeks 5 days!

Total weight gain: By my count, 11 pounds.  Who knows what the MD scale will say.

Maternity clothes?: I can still get into my regular pants easily, but maternity pants are so much more comfortable!

Sleep: Weird this week...still waking up at 4-5 am to pee no matter what, but oversleeping for work almost daily.

Cravings: Not really....just eating alot...and trying not to.

Best moment this week: LR Tweeties yesterday...seated with a group of girls, talking, and someone asked me why I don't tweet much...so I replied "I'm a nurse and can't legally tweet about that, and I'm pregnant but its been really easy on me so I don't think people want to hear that."  Three people turned around and said...."you're @jenshuler?!" I felt like a star!

Movement: I think I feel it, but still not sure. 

Gender: Finding out on June 1!

Labor Signs: none yet, thank God!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Sleeping well.

Weekly Wisdom: Get over the social anxiety and go out.  I met so many wonderful people last night!

Milestones: Getting a new opportunity at work!  Though I won't be able to start for 6 weeks...:/

Favorite Moments:  Taking pictures with mom, going to LR tweeties, shopping for all our friends who are celebrating marriages/graduations/babies soon yesterday!

I'll try to do these every four weeks until we are looking at our little one! I can't believe I'm almost halfway there!

New Pics! 18 weeks and 4 days with Mom!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Baby...

Dear baby....
I'm almost certain I felt you move this morning.  I even told your dad, and at lunch he asked....have you felt it move again?  He's thinking of you almost as much as I am.  How wonderful it is to not have been born but to have so much love already?

I can't wait to find out if you are a girl or boy.  We have names for you either way and honestly don't "wish" for pink or blue...we just want to meet you in October and all of your body be perfectly formed.  We are planning a big party in honor of you.  On June 1, we will find out if you are an A______ or a H______.  I still think you are a H______, but I have been wrong about so much in my life and wouldn't be surprised to be wrong again.  We are going to make two cakes and let both your grandmas cut into them to see if you are pink or blue.  They are already fighting over you!

I love to look in that special room in our house...the one that will be yours.  Everytime I see something lime green it makes me think of your room.  Right now we are trying to pick out furniture and will order it in June.  I can't wait to see all the pieces come together as we get ready for you.  Today, it has 4 stuffed animals, 4 books, some old papers, a desk and printer, and 2 dog crates in it.  I can't wait to see it all come together for you and to put your name on the wall.  I added a blessing ring to it today.  I took a round necklace from Michael's craft store and hole punched all the sweet cards I have recieved celebrating you...the one from your Swaty grandparents, the one from your dad for my first mothers day, and the one from your Swaty grandparents for mothers day.  They are on your closet door knob, to remind me of how loved you are, even now.

I can't believe how much you have changed my life already.  Every decision has you in it, no matter how big or small.  What to eat, what to wear, what to drink, what to buy.  I think of you all the time.  On Sunday, on mother's day, I thought about how the last few years I have mourned not being a mother and how my heart yearned every time someone asked me if I was a mother and I had to say...'not yet.'  My heart was heavy those years.  I don't remember, but I skipped church on a couple of them because it hurt too bad to go and see all the mothers.  I skipped ASU homecoming last year because I didn't want to see all the babies too.  Infertility is a sad thing that I hope you never experience, my miracle.  It hurts down deep where you don't know you could hurt.  It cuts you open and makes your spouse wonder why you hurt so bad.  But you have cured my hurts, dear one.  You have made my heart full without even greeting this world yet.  A verse I read recently encouraged me greatly.  "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12  You are my tree of life, my baby.  My hope is in the Lord almighty.

I was so scared I'd lose you those first few weeks.  I worried about every little thing.  I was scared to tell anyone about you.  Me, with my huge mouth and inability to keep a secret, kept you secret for two whole weeks, even from my mom.  My mom, my best friend, didn't even know about you because I was so scared I'd lose you.  Now that you are growing so much and looked so healthy last week, I feel so much relief.  I started shifting my worry into what would happen on the day you come into our world.  I prayed so much about that day, and God said to my heart "I gave you this baby, and I will take care of the details."  He is in control dear one, and He is so good to us.

In His word there are some special verses for you.  I can't wait to let God guide me to your life verse, and to hear you say it out loud some years from now.

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.  So now I give him to the Lord.  For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."  1 Samuel 1:27-28

"And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him."  Luke 2:40

I can't wait to meet you.  Don't get into a hurry, little one, you have some growing to do yet.  The Lord will protect you and grow you.  Psalm 139 says He knits you together in your mother's womb, and he knows everything about you already.  I can't wait to get to know you too....what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what you like and don't like.  I can't wait to kiss you all over and I promise I won't mind changing your diapers.  I'll do everything I can to give you all the Lord wants you to have from me.

Your dad and I love you more than anything but the Lord and each other.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

17 weeks and 4 days update!

How far along? 17 weeks 4 days!

Total weight gain: 9 lbs. I haven't weighed myself after last week...  :/

Maternity clothes?: Mom took me shopping Saturday and I bought several pairs of pants, a couple shirts, and two dresses.  I enjoy wearing them but don't really need them (yet)

Sleep: Nightmares this week, and lots of ligament pain.  Sleep is not so great right now, but Steve bought me a great body pillow and it has helped!

Cravings: Right now, tomatoes.  I don't know why.  S bought me some yesterday to have with basil and mozzerella tomrrow night for dinner. 

Best moment this week: Mother's Day surprises, and getting roses last night!

Movement: I think I feel it, but still not sure. 

Gender: Finding out on June 1!

Labor Signs: none yet, thank God!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Well, to tell the truth, I would KILL for a margarita right now.  And I REALLY miss my daily black coffee.  Mornings are not the same.

Weekly Wisdom: Pray unceasingly, and trust that God has gifted you with a child, and He will equip you to care for it and yourself. 

Milestones: Buying maternity clothes. 

Favorite Moments:Hearing happy mothers day from others and not wanting to cry like last year....enjoying shopping with mom, "thinking" I feel movement, and enjoying time with family. 

I'll try to do these every four weeks until we are looking at our little one! I can't believe I'm almost halfway there!

One loved woman....on her "first" mothers day!

Hello Lovely Readers!
I'm simply gushing over all the love shown to me over the last three days.  On Saturday my mom took me shopping and bought me several pairs of maternity pants, tops, and I bought a couple dresses.  I was completely surprised that she had saved money and WANTED to buy me a maternity wardrobe!  We took my parents out to eat that night at Famous Daves and enjoyed a "trash can lid" which is a great platter of barbeque and sides for about $50! 

Sunday was my "first" mothers day.  I don't really count it since I don't (yet) have a little one to hold, but my mom got me a sweet card and so did my husband.  Steve got me a body pillow since I haven't been sleeping well.  I was thrilled to get anything!  I enjoyed our service at church and especially our Sunday school.  We talked about why we worship and what purpose it serves.  It was a great discussion!  We took Mary (MIL) to lunch and gave her a small gift and card.  We then went to my mom's house where I took her a sweet silver beaded bracelet (similar to my mother's bracelet I want from a previous post) with a tag with her monogram!  I enjoyed getting to visit with her and dad so much...I've missed them!  We had to miss Laura's (SIL) senior recognition but Steve really enjoyed his soccer game and they won!  That night we got home and ate some Zaxby's and watched Breaking Bad.  It is such a powerful drama, and is very graphic.  I had some nightmares that night!  Steve said no more Zaxbys....I said maybe no more Breaking Bad!

Last night Steve came home with groceries (!) and made me an amazing dinner of sockeye salmon, spinach and roasted red bell pepper orzo pasta, and finished it with a dessert of amazing Fresh Market eclairs!  He also brought me home a dozen roses....just because!  I slept like a baby last night feeling so loved and cared for by him.  What an amazing "first" mothers day!

Please pray!!!

Please be praying for a decision I need to make by tomorrow.  I'll blog about it as soon as I can....I just want to tell the right people before I tell the world..

Please pray for my aunt Sherry....she recently fought and beat lung cancer and now has a new mass (in the last 6 months) and it was biopsied today....results on Monday.

Please pray for our little one.  I can't wait to meet him or her!  Being a nurse is not the safest job for a pregnant woman, please pray for protection for our baby!

Love you all,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

16 weeks and 6 days!

4 ventricle head






Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New obsession....

Hello Lovely Readers!
Three posts in one day?!  So sorry!  I am just enjoying having time to blog! 

So my friend introduced me to the concept of a "push present" which is a gift your husband is supposed to give you during labor.  She got a GORGEOUS ring with her baby's birthstone....so of course I want one now too!  October's birthstone is opal and pink tourmaline...guess which one I'm obsessed with.....pink of course!

I love mommy bracelets too!  I can't wait to get one!


Love you all so much,

16 weeks and 4 days update!

How far along? 16 weeks 4 days!

Total weight gain:  9 lbs. I wasn't happy about the 5 lb weight gain this month, but I can't run and don't have much time to exercise.  Last week I ate out at every meal...time to cut back :(

Maternity clothes?: Not yet needed, but I wear a shirt my mom got me and tried a pair of maternity pants last week from my sweet friend Kelly.

Sleep: I get up every morning to pee in between 5 and 7:30.  At least I can sleep that long and I have no trouble falling asleep!
Still Mexican.  I am making dinner tonight and went to Walmart to buy groceries and of course, bought fajita fixin's.  

Best moment this week: Today at lunch with mom taking fun pictures!
Movement: Not yet :(

Gender: Finding out on June 1!

Labor Signs: none yet, thank God!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: Being able to do what I want, like run or skip meals or stay up late. 

Weekly Wisdom: Do what you think is best about your job/doctor/hospital/birth plan.  Don't read too much into friends horror stories or reactions.

Milestones: Well, my normal clothes are starting to get a little tight, and my coworkers said they can finally see me showing now. 
Favorite Moments:Hearing the heartbeat today, taking pictures with mom, naming our little one after all the nationalities of food I've been eating (Juan, Juanita, Nigel, Bridget, etc..), looking at baby furniture with Steve last week.

I'll try to do these every four weeks until we are looking at our little one!  I can't believe I'm almost halfway there!

Fun Pictures with Mom!

Hello Lovely Readers!
Today was a special day for me!  I went back to the OB and all is well with our little one!  I got to hear the heartbeat and it was 147!!  I have a date, on June 1, at 8 am to get to see our sweet little one and find out what he or she will be!  I can't wait!  When I have an appoinment and a day off work, I always go see my mom for lunch.  Today we had fun!

One of my favorite places on earth is the Old Mill in North Little Rock.  Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie and the mill is featured in the opening credits.

It is also where my sweet husband proposed to me the day before thanksgiving in 2003.  So this made it really special to me, and a place I would love to take pictures!  My mom decided to have a "photo shoot" today at lunch.  Enjoy!
Have a great day!  Much love and will post again soon!